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A collection of our finest blogs, articles and news updates for you to enjoy.

How We Grade Our Coffee

You’ve probably noticed that we mention that all of our coffee is ‘specialty-grade’. Yep… We say it a lot. For those curious as to what it actually means and how it translates to better coffee in your cup, this article is for you.

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How to Make Every Type of Coffee

Sustainability is as important to us as our daily morning brew. We believe in - and practice - a holistic sustainability from cultivation to consumption. For our customers, our partners, and our planet. We think it tastes better that way, too.

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Arabica Beans

Arabica coffee originates in Ethiopia and was named when it was transported to Arabia and Yemen in the 7th century. It now accounts for approx. 70% of the worlds coffee production.

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Are You Sipping on Minimalism or Stirring Up Maximalism?

Coffee cup ready? Let's stir up the debate between minimalism and maximalism. Are you a minimalist maven or do you thrive in abundance? Let’s unpack these styles like a double-shot espresso—bold, quick, and sure to stir your spirit!

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Our top 3 sustainability docos 

If you’ve got a binge-sesh or two planned for this weekend, why not make it educational by adding one of our top recommendations for sustainability docos to your binge-list?

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3 Tips For An Easy Eco Christmas

Get on Mother Earth’s nice list this Christmas with our quick top tips for an eco-friendly festive season.

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Our Ultimate Tips For Saving Water

Water are you wasting for? Get the good word on our top tips for saving your water, so you do good by Mother Earth (and) you have more left for your coffee.

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5 easy tips for a more sustainable year ahead

At Pod & Parcel we think the turn of a new year is the perfect opportunity to reassess and update your daily habits, to tread a little lighter on the planet. We’ve compiled a handy list of the 5 top tips for a more sustainable year ahead - try to add some to your daily routine!

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From Seed to Cup

Did you know that your coffee comes from a bright red coffee seed, or colloquially termed, coffee cherry? Who’d have thought! Let us take us through the steps involved to get your coffee from seed to cup.

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Let's unpack the packaging and break down the break down.

Biodegradable vs Compostable materials

There's often a lot of confusion surrounding the terms biodegradable and compostable. Often they're misunderstood and used interchangeably, however it's important to understand the differences when disposing of them.

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‘Want, need, wear, read’: Your guide to a sustainable Christmas 

Picture this: Christmas morning has arrived and the space under the Christmas tree is packed tight with gifts under the glow of the lights. But - the thing that haunts you is the knowledge of just how many gifts are about to be making their way to landfill by the end of the week. Well, we’ve got the best sustainability tip for gifting this silly season.

Let’s go…

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4 tips for a sustainable Christmas feast

Craving a more sustainable Christmas feast this silly season? No fear, our top tips on a sustainable Christmas are here!

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Are coffee pods still evil?

“I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it”

The words of John Sylvan about inventing the K-cup, the original coffee pod.

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How We Grade Our Coffee

You’ve probably noticed that we mention that all of our coffee is ‘specialty-grade’. Yep… We say it a lot. For those curious as to what it actually means and how it translates to better coffee in your cup, this article is for you.

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Less Waste, more Taste: The next step on our sustainability journey

At Pod & Parcel, we’re committed to continually improving our service and making your experience as enjoyable as possible. That’s why we now completely offset all our delivery carbon emissions to neutralise this carbon footprint, and ultimately make your coffee a whole lot smoother to swallow.

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Our top 3 composting tips for beginners

Are you a fan of the idea of composting but haven’t given it a crack yet because it seems waaaay too difficult? Well, we’re about to simplify the hell outta it with our top 3 composting tips for beginners!

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Third Wave Coffee: Explained

Pop on your reading glasses and pour a shot of espresso - it's time to learn what Third Wave Coffee really is.

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Memo: Clean Up Australia Day is Happening!

In case you didn’t know (or need a reminder), one of the best days to get behind is comin’ up: Clean Up Australia Day. And while we’re all about every day being a clean-up day, we’re also about supporting something that gives us a reminder when we need it. So, if you need a quick refresher on what Clean Up Australia Day is, plus you want some of our handy tips on keeping things tidy at home, then read on!

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How to celebrate World Environment Day this June 5 and beyond

Here at Pod & Parcel we’re huge advocates for Mother Earth, after all - she did us a big favour in blessing us with this whole coffee bean sitch. Truthfully, she deserves more than just one day in a year to be celebrated, but we’re totes here cheering her on and supplying you with our fave ways to celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th and, well… every day!

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From Farm to Brew the sustainability story behind your daily cup.

As coffee lovers and citizens of this planet we want to make sure our daily coffee habits are protecting both the planet and the people behind the scenes (or beans). So let's talk a little about what's happening in the industry to make a positive impact on some of these issues.

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Lights out! Earth Hour is happening March 26

Find out all about Earth Hour and our ultimate tips for celebrating it this year

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Make like Stella McCartney and get your sustainable fashion on

Want to heal the world, make it a better place, for you and me and the entire human race? Okay Michael Jackson.

One way to start is by adopting sustainable fashion principles.

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Espresso Toffee Banana Bread

Ok, here's the thing, we're not even going to try and pretend this is a healthy food option . But will it all be worth it? Oh, god yes. Enter: The Espresso Toffee Banana bread.

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Thai Iced Coffee

Perfect for those warm summer days, the Thai Iced Coffee is an incredibly quick and easy way to make iced coffee (with a delicious twist!).

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Peppermint Bark: the perfect Christmas recipe

Christmas is fast approaching, and that means it’s time to whip out all of our most beloved recipes. For us at P&P, that means anything that goes with our coffee, and what better to snack on alongside our super sippable brews than chocolate! Even better? Chocolate with the sweetest Christmas twist.

Let’s kick it!

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How to make Almond Milk

Many of our coffee varieties taste absolutely divine with a splash of milk, but this can result in a LOT of plastic wastage.

To combat this wastage, we’ve tested out the perfect almond milk recipe. It’s fast to make, only has 2 ingredients, is gluten free and vegan, and will keep in your fridge for up to 5 days. Read more about it here.

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Caramel Ice Coffee

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Meet your coffee's new best mate

In Melbourne at the moment it’s cold and it’s rainy, and this can only mean one thing: it’s time to heat up our souls with the warmth of a big toasty coffee scroll.

We’ve whipped up the softest, most pillowy pull-apart coffee scroll recipe, and it’s the perfect match to go with your morning Pod & Parcel coffee.

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Easy-Peasy Coffee Cake

Made with real Pod & Parcel coffee, this quick and easy to make cake is perfect as a morning treat, 3pm pick-me-up or after-dinner delight.

With only a few ingredients and no fancy mixers required, this cake is a great way to make your at-home coffee dates feel extra special.

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Mug Hugger Cookie Recipe

Christmas is fast approaching, so we thought we'd share our quick and easy Mug Hugger Cookie recipe to make your Pod & Parcel coffee a festive one!

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Whip up our Moreish Maple Latte

One sip of this sweet-spiced classic, and you’ll wish for an instant refill.

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Get glowing skin thanks to our coffee

One too many drive thru runs for a quick fix, one too many late nights binging Netflix, and one too many reasons to stress. You're only human!

All of this can wreak havoc on your once glowing skin, but don't worry - we've got the answer to take your skin from lackluster to luminous. And the best bit? You don't even need to leave your home - you've got everything you need for our DIY Coffee Scrub right there in your pantry.

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Brew yourself a very Biscoff Iced Coffee 

Noticed an extra lil treat in your order lately? (We’re talking about your special lil Biscoff with every order). Well, it’s time to put it to good use with our Biscoff Iced Coffee Recipe.

Okay - let’s hit it!

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Chocolate Coffee Cake

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Munro Cola

Munro row row your boat down a stream of sweet and spicy deliciousness with this cocktail recipe perfect for sipping in summer.

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Tarrazu Spice

It's time to spice up your life! No we're not talking about the Spice Girls (shoutout to Posh - always!) but we ARE talking about our Tarrazu Spice recipe! Let's get into it!

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Tenango and Tonic: your new go-to

Okay - hear us out on this one. Coffee and tonic water may sound unusual, but we’re sure that we’ve got your new favourite way to indulge in Huehuetenango locked and loaded in this shiny new blog ✨

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Dalgona Coffee Recipe

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Coffee Chocolate Bark: A Sweet Easter Surprise!

Easter's hopping closer, and we're stirring up chocolatey dreams with a twist! Adding a hint of coffee to the classic Choc Bark Recipe, because why let coffee lovers miss out on the fun? Plus, it's the perfect solution for those leftover Easter eggs. Whether you're prepping for Easter gifts or getting creative post-celebration, this recipe's a winner! 🐰🍫☕

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Embark on Our Divine Dark Choc Iced Mocha

Dive into the luxurious depths of this cold brew masterpiece. Each sip is a journey you won't want to end – you'll find yourself yearning for an encore

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Coffee Corner

3 Reasons Why Fasoli is Our Ultimate Summer Sip

Shine bright like Fasoli! Get the goods on why this delicious drop is our go-to summer situation.

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Coffee Corner: Florentino

In this month’s Coffee Corner blog, we’re focusing on one for the latte lovers: Florentino.

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Here’s why you should always have Calexte in your cupboard

Tossing up between blends for your next delivery? Here's everything you need to know about our Columbian & Tanzanian roast, Calexte.

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Meet Our All-Aussie Coffee Pod

You beauty! We’re introducing you to Dimbulah, our first-ever blend hailing from our own backyard.

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Coffee Corner: Munro

Get to know all about our must-have roast, Munro!

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Get to know Bezzera

With its 13/13 intensity, Bezzera is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

However, not only is Bezzera our strongest variety, but it's also one of the most versatile and unique. Read on to learn about what makes this customer favourite so special.

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Single Origin: The Lowdown

Single origin is a small phrase with significant impact in the coffee world. Simply put, it's a coffee that is sourced from a single region, crop or producer, that has distinct flavour profiles that represent its growing conditions. With single origin coffee, it’s common to see the country or the region printed on the box. This makes your everyday cuppa feel like an adventure; a one-man show with an exciting destination every time!

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Get to know our Fasoli blend

Thanks to its bright orange packaging, it’s one of our brightest and most recognisable blends, but how much do you really know about Fasoli? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this unique blend.

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Everything you need to know about Tarrazú

A long time customer fave, we thought we’d remind you just how good this Single Origin roast is, through some top notch customer reviews.

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5 Reasons Why Coffee Pods Make Your Day Better

Not convinced coffee pods are all they’re cracked up to be?

Well, here are five reasons to convince you otherwise.

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5 facts to test your knowledge of our Huehuetenango Single Origin

How well do you know our single origin from Guatemala? Read through the below Huehue facts to see if your knowledge measures up.

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Coffee Corner: Florentino

In this month’s coffee corner blog, we’re loving on one for the latte-lovers!

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The 4 Reasons You Should Reach for Mbeya

Find out our top reasons why Mbeya should be your go-to drop!

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Three Reasons Why The Beans In Our Coffee Pods Are Better

Here’s our humble brag on why we think the beans in our pods are the best!

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The Top Reason Why We’re Loving Nziza Right Now

Every now and again, a coffee comes along that is really dear to our hearts. Now, while we don’t play favourites, we definitely have a soft spot for the latest in our limited-edition line-up, Nziza Collective. So, if you’re yet to get acquainted with this beauty, why not read on for the ultimate reason why we love this sip that’s brimming with oodles of stories to tell.

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The loveliest limited-edition: Nziza Collective

Get the good word on the cuppa that connects us with the community of Rwanda.

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Processing, roasting & grinding

When it comes to our beans, we treat ‘em right. In fact, if you didn’t know, the entire process of ‘treating’ beans involves how one roasts and grinds the green beans they receive. This treatment (also known as processing) is the difference between okay coffee and killer coffee. We break this into three parts (with a hell of a lot of testing and tasting in between): sample roasting, batch roasting, and grinding.

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Coffee Corner: Bancroft

Grab your slippers and kick your feet up to get ready for a deep dive into our all time customer favourite blend, Bancroft (coffee education in ultimate comfort, obvs!). From the origins of the name we've come to know and love, to our top serving suggestions - read on for our insights into your morning Bancroft coffee!

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Quality at all costs

It all starts with our quest for quintessential quality - and donning our white jacket and clipboard (magnifying glass optional). Then we channel our inner Inspector Gadget and undergo a thorough evaluation of all our coffees to ensure it meets our sky-high standards.

And we mean thorough.

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Why Our Peruvian Decaf is Worth the Hype

Decaf. It's got a long history of being the forgotten coffee. The option real coffee connoisseurs don't drink. The coffee that you only have if you can't handle the real deal.

Well, they got it all wrong. Because let us tell you, there is A LOT to love and learn about our Peruvian single origin decaf.

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Spotlight Series

Spotlight Series: Martha Butler

What inspired you to start Loving Earth?

The desire to have a successful business that would give back to nature and to human bodies. It stemmed from the belief that food is sacred and great care should be taken with how it’s grown, made and eaten.

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Our top picks for binge-worthy sustainable podcasts

As we all find ways to live more sustainable lives, the rise of sustainability-focussed podcasts has been rapid! People are regularly turning to these platforms in search for green-spiration on how they can turn their lives upside down in the name of Mother Earth.

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Our fave inspiring sustainable businesses started by women

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’ve compiled our fave sustainable businesses that are founded by strong females that we just cannot help but adore. The ultimate #girlpower pledge that anyone can make is to shop sustainably and female-founded, so here’s our fave ways to do so, while helping the environment in a range of ways.

Let’s get started!

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All About Our Super Sample Pack

Get all the info you need about our best-selling bundle, the Super (duper) Sample Pack

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Spotlight Series: Lottie Dalziel

Banish was born in a bid to help Australian's reduce their waste with the right products and even better information. To celebrate Earth Day this year, we touched base with the founder of Banish, Lottie Dalziel.

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Our top 3 podcasts for travel lovers

Getting itchy feet to travel? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Pour yourself a mug of coffee and have a listen to our top 3 travel podcasts and mentally transport yourself to different corners of the globe.

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Legendary Ladies!

International Women’s Day is on Monday - all the fantastic ladies out there, please stand up - so to celebrate we’re highlighting a few kickass women in the wellness & sustainability space whose values resonate with ours at Pod and Parcel. Read on to be inspired!

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Pod & Parcel HQ Picks: Australia's Top 5 Eco Lodges! 🌿✨

Australia's eco lodges are creating waves, and guess what? We've handpicked the top 5 gems, straight from the ratings at Pod and Parcel HQ! 🌿

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